My CT scan is showing signs of disease throughout my upper abdomen. It is not in one place just sprinkled about. I am not experiencing any pain and am carrying on with life as per usual. I should be getting more exercise and attending the Well Fit program at U of W but have trouble getting there for 8:30 am. I think I need to try and attend later classes. I just feel I need more than 8 or 9 hours of sleep most days and getting up earlier than 8:00 am is tough. I know cry me a river...... For so many years I was getting up at 6:30 am to get ready for work! How things change!
At my last doctor's appointment I was informed of a Doxil drug shortage. That is concerning in the general scheme of things but our local hospital seems to have a good supply. I will check on that later.....
My Dad is doing well as well as can be expected. The radiation treatments have seemed to do the job of alleviating some abdominal pain. He is more alert these days and participates in conversation. Unfortunately, he is quite wobbly on his legs and we have to be vigilant to protect him from falls. This is most concerning for my mother who is stressed and tired most of the time. The CCAC or Community Care Access Centre is helping out more now with a personal support worker attending to my Dad for his showering needs and providing more assistance with light household cleaning. A nurse visits a couple times a week or whenever necessary.
We do what we can but of course we cannot be at their house 24 hours a day. Luckily Franca is coming to visit for a week. We are expecting her later today. It will be great to see her and John and for her to see Dad and Mom.