There is also the CA 125 tumour marker measurement that is taken once a month. This measurement has been creeping up the last several months but taken on its own merit is not 100% foolproof. Current reading is up to 88. It is also a test that is considered along with the CT Scans, my physical examinations and my verbal account of my general well being. Nothing is simple.
Angel knows how to relax...... |
My scans of December 21st, 2015 and February 9th, 2016 were both good and progression of disease is classed as 'no progression'. This is very good news and although I continue to worry I try not to think about it and look forward to my one week off when I do not have treatment and do not have to travel to Toronto! I can't believe I have just started cycle 13. It is almost a year of treatment on this clinical trial.
On the weeks of treatment my week is up and down in terms of my reaction to chemo and trial drug. Wednesday and Thursday I am fairly wired and can do all the things I need to do around the house in terms of meals, laundry, cleaning, etc. Those mornings I can get up @ 4:00 am and enjoy some tea while the house sleeps. I try and get back to bed by 6:00 am to get some much needed sleep but sometimes it is impossible. This is all the effect of dexamethasone which is a type of steroid. By Friday I seem to crash and that day is ususally a down day. A day to catch up on my shows that I have been recording.
One appointment that I went to in January was to the 'Pain and Sympton Management' department or 'Palliative Care' a name they don't like to use with someone like me who is still high functioning while managing through cancer. ( I don't like to say fighting cancer.) They are there to ensure cancer patients have the best quality of life. And they are also there for the loved ones. They are team which includes doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, psychiatrists, social workers, spriritual care provider, and volunteers.
For me we discussed my current challenges with some discomforts and the doctor adjusted some of my meds and prescribed some others. We also discussed the merits of medical marijuana which is a part of their therapies. These substances, which are also available in pill form without the highs, are most suited for patients with nausea, vomiting and chronic pain. Luckily for me these are not major concerns for me and I take other good meds for these right now. I next see them in April.
So I am very happy to be under their care as well are my primary medical team which are more focussed on my physical self, side effects and my emotional well being as a result of the clinical trial. They are there to to help me deal with the cancer itself and how we manage through the disease with appropriate treatments.
Our 11 year old Cyrus! |