Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hope your New Year's Eve was spent in an enjoyable manner with family and friends!  David and I had a quiet dinner at my Mom and Dad's house.  We had some pasta con vongole and quails.  It was very good.  Not a long night though.... this is day 3 after chemo and I feel like I have a flu and just want to sleep.  We were home before 10:00 am and I promptly went to bed leaving David with Ryan Seacrest at Times Square!   ( I don't really think he actually watched this...) 

Happy New Year to all!  May 2011 bring you much good health, joy and happiness! 



  1. Happy New Year, glad to hear you are doing well. We had a noisy Christmas and New Year's with all the little ones running around this year. 4 ages 3, 2, 1 and 10 months. so much fun to see them running around playing

  2. Hi Sue,

    It really is Christmas when there are small children running around! They get so excited and it rubs off on the old farts!
