Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Journey with Doxil has Begun

Yesterday I attended the Chemo Lounge to get my first dose of Doxil.

The chemo nurse had my file online and she knew I have a history of chemo sensitivity so she insisted that I get into a bed.  If something is to go wrong then it is easier to work on me from a bed rather than a chair.  I didn't put up much of a fuss!  Since this is the first time then the regular pre-meds are in order i.e. steroids and antiemetics (Zofran) which were taken at home.  My previous protocol of Taxol and Carboplatin called for copious amounts of more steroid and benedryl to get my body to take the drugs without reaction.  This in turn made me sleep.  This did work for 14 rounds but is now is not an option any more.  As you will recall in my last posts the long infusion of Carboplatin only also brought on an allergic reaction.

Doxil is only one bag of chemo drug and it is red.  Reminded me of a strawberry dacquiri.  Which I would have loved but alas no more alcohol while in treatment.  They say I can have one drink per week but that is hardly worth it.  Perhaps one glass of wine with a special dinner.

Anyway they pumped this red devil into me at the regular infusion rate and nothing happened.  Probably the nurse sitting next to me during the first 10 minutes had something to do with my successful infusion.  Let's hope this keeps up.  Next infusion is scheduled for October 15th.  In the mean time I have a CT Scan scheduled on October 1st with review on October 4th with the doc.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Joys of Summer with Heavy Doses of Dread

It has been a good summer.  Weather has not been great but no chemo.  Still on a rest from carboplatin after having a severe reaction in June.  Making sure to find joy in every day.  Sure is tough especially with my Dad suffering with pancreatic cancer.  He has deteriorated quite a lot and my Mother is still able to provide care at home.  I don't know for how long.  She is adamant that she will keep him there as long as possible.

Dad has just finished 2 weeks of radiation.  Radiation is used to alleviate pain, it is not used for treatment in his case.  There is no treatment for him and the inevitable will occur within 6 months to a year, at best.  The family has come to accept the seriousness of the situation and we try to spend as much time together as possible.  It is a time to make my Dad as comfortable as possible and make his remaining life as pleasant as possible.  It has been very tough for my Mother as you can imagine.

Franca came for a visit in July and we had a lovely time.  During her visit we celebrated Corina's graduation from Conestoga College.  She is a Health Administrator and is working at Stratford Hospital in Patient Registration until her contract is finished.  Tough to find those permanent full time positions!  She will persevere!

Corina's Graduation Day

Corina's Graduation Party in July
Franca making herself useful

This past summer we were able to get my Mom and Dad to Pat's cottage for a couple of great weekends.

Mom at the helm
Dad enjoying the cruise

Viewing the Sunset at Cordova Lake

Dylan is at Mohawk College and has just started his program in Applied Music.  We miss him but we hear from him via texts all the time.  I wish I could see him doing the laundry!  :)

As for me....  I have been having some pain in my abdomen which means the cancer is making itself be known.  CA 125 is up to 386 which is up from 40 a couple of months ago.  It never was gone but it was quiet in a sense.  It gave me the time to relax and enjoy the summer without dealing with chemo side effects.  But now I must begin chemo again.

I have been scheduled for the 1st infusion for Monday, September 16th  in the chemo lounge.  Should only take a couple of hours and I will do this every 4 weeks perhaps for 8 treatments.  This time around we are going with pegylated liposomal DOXOrubicin or Doxil for short.

Wish me luck.  I will post my experience with this drug.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ovarian Cancer Walk of Hope - 2013

This year's walk was quite successful.  The participants in the K-W region raised over $75,000 which is more than double last year's efforts!  My team, 'A Late Summer Knight's Dream' raised more than $2700. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the weather was perfect for our 5 km. walk.   Thanks to my teammates: Caroline Robic, Angie Felgendreher, Carol Dewar and Joanna Mackie.  A special thanks to my husband David for participating as well!  

So many people participated in the walk that they ran out of t-shirts for the registrants!  This is a good problem in that many more people join us on the day of the walk.

Our small but mighty team!

Making sure my toenail colour is perfect!

Ribbon cutting ceremony before the walk