Yesterday I attended the Chemo Lounge to get my first dose of Doxil.

The chemo nurse had my file online and she knew I have a history of chemo sensitivity so she insisted that I get into a bed. If something is to go wrong then it is easier to work on me from a bed rather than a chair. I didn't put up much of a fuss! Since this is the first time then the regular pre-meds are in order i.e.
steroids and
antiemetics (Zofran) which were taken at home. My previous protocol of
Taxol and
Carboplatin called for copious amounts of more steroid and benedryl to get my body to take the drugs without reaction. This in turn made me sleep. This did work for 14 rounds but is now is not an option any more. As you will recall in my last posts the long infusion of Carboplatin only also brought on an allergic reaction.
Doxil is only one bag of chemo drug and it is red. Reminded me of a strawberry dacquiri. Which I would have loved but alas no more alcohol while in treatment. They say I can have one drink per week but that is hardly worth it. Perhaps one glass of wine with a special dinner.

Anyway they pumped this red devil into me at the regular infusion rate and nothing happened. Probably the nurse sitting next to me during the first 10 minutes had something to do with my successful infusion. Let's hope this keeps up. Next infusion is scheduled for October 15th. In the mean time I have a CT Scan scheduled on October 1st with review on October 4th with the doc.
Use a BIG glass.