Thursday, January 22, 2015

Good Results from Taxol Treatments

My CT Scan taken on January 12th is showing very little sign of disease!  Compared to the scan taken on November 18th the largest site of disease went from 22 mm to 8 mm.  And my CA 125 is at 42 down from a high of 497 in November!  Queue the fireworks!

The clinical researchers at Princess Margaret Hospital have recommended that I continue with the weekly Taxol treatments rather than begin a clinical trial.  This makes sense.  Why try something new that may not work as well as something that is currently working?  The only drawback is that the neuropathy in my hands is getting worse and now I have it in my toes.  If it worsens too much then the Taxol treatments have to stop but for now I am going for it.  With such good results it is difficult to change the protocol to something else that may not work.

I have already heard from Grand River Regional Cancer Centre and my next chemo treatment is Monday.  It will be 3 weeks out of 4 for the next little while so now I can plan my life somewhat!