Monday, July 18, 2016

Blood Transfusion

My 2 week visit at PMH on July 12th resulted in another paracentesis where they removed 4.8 litres.  The clinic visit then had to inform me that my blood work came back with low hemoglobin  counts.  This is the first time I have had this happen but it is a side effect of Olaparib/Lynparza.  I know I was feeling fairly fatigued and sleepy but I had no idea.  So a blood transfusion was ordered and 2 days later I was back at PMH getting 2 units of red blood cells pumped into me.  Immediately afterwards I felt much better and was even able to walk a little faster than usual.  Now several days later I feel fatigued again and wonder if it is the blood or just the side effects of the pills.  I hope this resolves itself soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hang tight Olga this will be another blip in your life. You are so strong and you have wonderful family and friends surrounding you!!!! You are such a positive person that you will win !!! p.s. I'm not sure why it still says Mary but its me Kathy xoxoxo
