Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Dad

Some of you may know that my Dad has suffered a stroke.  This happened March 10th.

Dad is out of hospital and is in a local rehabilitation centre.  Tests have shown that my Dad has suffered from a number of mini strokes in the past.  We did not know this and it only came to light after an MRI.  This explains some of his short memory loss which was thought to be early onset dementia.  This stroke has affected his thinking processes in that he has trouble putting words together to form a sentence.  He can answer questions with a short phrase but anything any longer gives him trouble.  He just can't find the right words sometimes.  There has been improvement and he is smiling and jokes occasionally.  He also knows all of us so we are pleased with this. He is now working with a speech therapist to regain his language skills.

He also does not have the use of his right arm from the elbow down including his fingers.  We are hoping that after much physiotherapy, which began immediately after the stroke, he will regain full use of his arm.  There has been some progress already.  He is walking with assistance and can maneuver himself with a wheel chair and his feet.  He is not allowed to get out of bed by himself as there is a risk to falling.

August 2012

My Mother goes to see him everyday to help out with his activities of daily living.  She makes sure he is shaved and brushes his teeth.  She also wants to ensure he is eating.  Tough to eat when one hand is not working well.  We can't rely on the nurses or personal support workers assisting with everything as they are so busy and short handed.  But my Mother is not babying him either.  She knows that in order for him to come home he has to be independent.  Baby steps .....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We Have Remission

Sorry for the long absence.....  This post has been in draft since November 2012.  I have not been able to put together the words to relay what my life is all about until now.

After my 6th chemo treatment on September 26th I went for a CT Scan on October 12th to determine if there was any visible cancer left.  This would determine whether I would need another chemo treatment at this time.  I returned to the hospital on October 16th to consult with my oncologist.  This meeting set off a major turning point to my life.

The oncologist, Dr. Califaretti, delivered the news that the CT Scan did not show any visible cancer which is great.  This is technically a remission.  So the series of treatments from June to September did the job they were supposed to do.  All good.  I forgot to mention that during my last treatment on September 26th and in receipt of the last chemo drug, Carboplatin, I had an allergic reaction.  After receiving it 11 times in the last couple of years my body decided it did not want it.  After easing off the dosage and giving me some drugs to help me along I finally finished treatment that day.  Can you imagine that my doctor reminded me that I had experienced this?  I had totally forgotten between September 26th and October 16th.  The mind does some crazy things in times of anxiety.

Back to our discussion on October 16th.  During our discussion my doctor, in a no-nonsense way, strongly suggested that I not return to work.  This startled me as I was fully expecting to go back.  But life has a way of reminding you of your immortality.......

This cancer is unrelenting and she fully expects it will come back within the next 15 months or so.  This is because my last recurrence came within this timeframe.  Medically speaking recurrence does not generally extend itself beyond this.  Is she correct?  Only time will tell.

So my decision not to return to work was a difficult one.  On the one hand I like working and it provides satisfaction in getting things done and having clients who are happy with my work. There is also the social aspect of the workplace which I always value.  But on the other hand work can be stressful and demanding.  Client commitments, sales targets, professional development and other business demands can be challenging.  The demands on your personal time is a given and I have always been of the opinion, required, if promotion and success is your ambition.  Alas these things are not quite as important to me any more......

So now I am a lady of leisure.  I have all the time in the world to do what I want!  Well my days are full and I wonder now how I fit a career in there.....  Strange.  I spend most of my time with the family naturally.

Here is a picture from last October when Hurricane Sandy hit the New York area.  This is right in front of my sister's apartment.  A huge tree just toppled over and luckily landed on the side walk and not the house.  Even though her home is inland Hurricane Sandy did much damage to the neighbourhood.  The area closer to the shore was very badly damaged and the clean up continues still.  The area of New York City near the shoreline in pictures.

Let's hope these lives can be put back together.