Sunday, February 22, 2015

Well that was a short ride...... My CA 125 as of February 19th is now 222.  Up from a reading in the low 90's (my home hospital)  (42 at Princess Margaret Hospital) and naturally I knew it would be higher because this blasted ascites is acting up.  Again I am swelling in the belly and there is some discomfort.  Don't feel sad for me because I just feel pissed.

I feel angry at my body for betraying me because most chemo treatments start out effective but quickly end up doing nothing.   I feel angry at science because the options for treatment are so hit and miss.  I saw on the news last night how they have come up with a diagnostic test for ebola so that results are available in 15 minutes.  Amazing!  When there is a will and lots of $$$ they will find a way.  Unfortunately for ovarian cancer and for many other cancers or diseases, research dollars are hard to come by and the money must be used judiciously.  OK... That was my rant and I'm over it.

I have an appointment Monday morning at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.  Hopefully they will come up with a new treatment plan or clinical trial for me.