Friday, November 15, 2013

Doxil Treatment #3 - November 12th

This past Tuesday I had my 3rd round of Doxil.  All went well and no reactions to speak of with the infusion. I did have more blood work before the infusion could begin because my neutrophils were not at normal level the previous Friday.  If the numbers are not healthy they will not administer chemo.  Luckily the blood work came back normal and we could proceed.

The good news was regarding the CA 125 number.  It is decreasing since we started Doxil and I am sitting at 137 from 386 in August.  The numbers are going in the right direction and this is indeed good news!

My father is doing quite well these days.  He is comfortable and his pain medications are providing good quality of life.  He is a little more talkative and more alert with fewer periods of drowsiness.  His appetite is actually better than it has been but I don't think he will gain back any of his lost weight.  If he can only stay at current weight we will be happy.


  1. Good news! Great pic of Mom and Dad.

  2. Awesome news Monsoon!

    And about time you posted something, sheeesh.
