Friday, March 7, 2014

Turn in the Road

Just heard from my oncologist.  She just called me to let me know that my CA 125 reading is 270, up from 186 in one month.  So this is disconcerting.  No chemo with Doxil today.  In her opinion Doxil has done it's job and it's time to look at other treatments.  No point getting another dose with no improvement only to deal with the side effects for nothing.

She also has heard from Dr. Bedard at Princess Margaret.  He said they have lots of stuff going on that I could get involved with but in his opinion the best one is a study using PARP inhibitor which Dr. Welch is conducting out of London.  I am all for getting into a trial with a PARP inhibitor.  This is leading edge treatment these days for ovarian cancer and other cancers but still in trial phase.  This particular treatment has shown good results with people having positive mutation with  BRCA1 and BRCA2 (mine) in their DNA.

First off she is sending me for another CT Scan even though I just had one in January.  Remember that one. So full of promise when it came back with no visible signs of disease.  Well something is happening.......  And you cannot enter into a trial without visible disease.  How can they tell otherwise that it is working?

So in the meantime I sit tight and wait for hospital personnel to call me with an appointment for CT Scan.  I will meet with the oncologist to discuss the results and next plan of action.  The best thing is that these side effects should slowly resolve themselves so that I return to some sort of normalcy.


  1. If it were not for leading edge folks.... the world would still be flat.
