Friday, August 15, 2014

4th Treatment of Cisplatin

Yesterday I had the 4th and perhaps the last infusion of Cisplatin.  My oncologist received correspondence from Princess Margaret in reply to her inquiry regarding my good results from Cisplatin.  My CA 125 numbers have been steadily decreasing from a high of 597 in May to 60 on August 11th!  Very good response which means I am platinum sensitive!  Also, my CT Scan is showing shrinkage in my tumours which is also good.

Princess Margaret would like to speak to me regarding the Solo2 Clinical Trial.  This trial is for women with recurrent disease and with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.  Just waiting to hear for an appointment.  I am quite happy to hear about this but also full of questions.  It is a double blind study so I may end up in the group without actual medication just the placebo.

Next few days will be quiet while I relax with my side effects.  Right now I am still wired from the medications but I know I will be crashing later today and dealing with some nausea.  Good thing I have some great meds for that!

Update:  Appointment for Princess Margaret is August 25th.  That was quick!


  1. Wow, a princess wants to speak with you! You and your blog are becoming famous.

    Awesome news by the way.

  2. Thanks! What can I say? I attract the best people!
