Friday, March 20, 2015

Getting Closer to Trial Start

Back from Florida the evening of the 16th and into Princess Margaret by 7:00 am on St. Patrick's Day.  Bloodwork first thing and then a consultation with the clinical nurse and clinical researcher.  Much was discussed regarding the study and procedures namely the skin biopsy and the tumour biopsy scheduled later that day.  A skin biopsy is used to study the effects of the study drug on the tissues of my body.  The skin biopsy is done before the study and at various intervals during the study.  The tissue removed in a tumour biopsy is studied to see the effects of the study drug on tumour tissue.  Again, it is done at various intervals during the study.

Needless to say by end of day I was feeling a bit like a human pin cushion with all the various procedures and was glad to head home to my brother's place.  Thank goodness drugs used during the tumour biopsy (fentanyl) were still in play and pain was not an issue.

On the 19th I had an appointment with my oncologist at Grand River.  Again she likes to keep tabs on me while under the care at Princess Margaret.  I have been having ascites again as I mentioned in previous posts and have had 3 paracentesis in the last month.  It gets very uncomfortable by day 10 or so and my clothes are not fitting.  Each time at least 3.5 litres is removed.  Afterwards my guts feel tender but I am more comfortable.  Is it time to rethink some of my clothing options?  Yes.  I think so.  More looser fitting clothes will be in my future.  I need to look at my pattern and fabric stash!

The oncologist has scheduled me for a catheter to be installed near the hip.  (I picture a little tube like the ones on beach balls!)  This will enable easy access for a nurse to come to the house to remove fluid build up periodically rather than going to hospital every week or so for a paracentesis.  This could be done every 3 days or so and I know it sounds gross but at least I will be more comfortable.

Treatment begins next Tuesday and I am hoping I will get the AZD-1775 and not the placebo.

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