Saturday, November 6, 2010

Book Club

I belong to a book club that my friend Jill holds at her house every month.   I joined earlier this year and the rule is that we only read books written by Canadian authors.  This has really expanded my reading experience and I have read books I might not have otherwise.  Our meetings are quite casual and we begin in the dining room enjoying the spread of goodies that Jill prepares.  We eventually retire to the livingroom to discuss the book and have a great chitchat.  It's an enjoyable evening and I have met some great women.

Last night we met and discussed 'Secret Daughter'.  It is listed in my book list on my home page.    This book was a good read.  It is a story about a baby girl who is given up for adoption by a poor family in India in the 80's and is adopted and raised in California by a professional couple.  He is an Indian man and she is a white California woman.  The story follows the lives of the people who gave her up and the people who raise her.  It is a story of contrasts and of similarities and explores the theme of motherhood, family and different cultures.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to read you are enjoying your yoga and relaxation classes. It will do wonders for your body and mind. I'm sure you already feel the peacefulness it can bring. Hope to see you soon! Take care :)
