Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week of November 22nd

It has been a while since I posted!

David and I have completed 4 weeks of the 6 week program of 'The Healing Journey' at HopeSpring.  I must admit that when we started I thought it might a bit too 'new age' for us but it has turned out to be very good and helpful in calming our minds.  So much of cancer is about the medical aspects which is absolutely necessary.  But is it so much more when we can learn how our emotions and our mental state can affect our bodies.  The relaxation exercises are key to the program and I have provided a link to the audio that we are using in the program.  They are public and anyone can learn to quiet the mind in times of stress and anxiety. 

One of the programs available to cancer patients in our community is the UW Well-Fit.  This is a 12 week exercise program to help people with cancer to minimize the aspects of treatment and improve quality of life.  On Tuesday I went for my assessment.  This assessment determines a baseline of my fitness levels upon which a program is built.  During this consultation UW Fitness staff determine cardiovascular fitness by monitoring the heart rate and blood pressure response to progressive exercise on a stationary bike. Shoulder range of motion is assessed during this consultation, as well as height, weight and waist circumference. Since there is a growing interest in the benefits of exercise for cancer patients, participants are asked to complete a quality of life survey as part of on-going research at the University of Waterloo. The initial "12 Week" program runs 2 times per week with each session lasting one hour. The best part is that it is free to participants.  The program is funded by UW Fitness, Grand River Regional Cancer Center and charitable donations.

My first exercise session was on Thursday morning.  Each participant in the program works with an instructor so it is like having a personal trainer.  Each exercise is demonstrated and then they watch that I do it correctly.  During that first morning there were only 3 participants and 3 instructors.   Most sessions have only 5 or 6 participants at a time for maximum supervision and attention.  This is a fabulous program and I have never felt this much attention at a gym.  Most of us I'm sure are members of a fitness facility and you are pretty much on your own.  If you want individual attention then personal trainers are available but at a hefty cost.  The thing I have learned is to insist on a properly trained person.  They should have a degree in kinesiology and certified in personal training.  This is not stressed enough at most fitness centres, I think. 

I am very thankful for these programs that are available to me and other cancer patients.  They help me to get out and meet others who are in a similar situation.  We support each other and understand what is happening.  Some of you that may have experienced cancer in yourself or in someone close to you and may know that people don't always know how to relate to someone with cancer.  I know from other cancer patients that this is sometimes the case.  It is the lack of understanding on the part of others that do not know what to say or what to do.  I am fortunate that most of the people around me are very supportive and understanding.  Most people do not hesitate to keep in touch and provide much encouragement and strength.  Even just by reading this blog you are there for me!  Thank you very much!


  1. I love reading what is up with you. The fitness stuff sounds great. I agree having a personal trainer is awesome, but they are not always looking out for you! In your case they certainly are. I remember one time I was having a fitness assessment done by a young, good looking guy and when he asked me to step on a scale, I reached in my bra and pulled out my "fake boob" and handed it to him saying, "here hold this". He just was in shock. I said, "don't let my husband know I let you touch my boob." It was hilarious.

  2. I can see you doing this! You are too much! :)
